Intra Jr Collegiate Achievements

Winners of the Rangoli competition held on November 19, 2022

We are proud to announce that several students participated in the Rangoli competition that was recently organised in the Junior College. After carefully going through all the amazing designs made by our students,

following is thelist of winners:
1st Prize: Runali Shigavan (XI C)
2nd Prize: Anwar Anbarashi (XII H)
3rd Prize: Isha Bhosale (XI A-Arts)

Winners of the Mehndi competition held on November 23, 2022

We are proud to announce that several students participated in the Mehndi competition that was recently organised in the Junior College. The participants from classes XI and XII were judged separately. The excellent designs by our participants made it immensely challenging for the judges to choose winners amongst all these gems. After carefully going through all the amazing designs made by our students, following is the list of winners:

Class XI
1st Prize: Masira Shaikh (XI E)
2nd Prize: Uzma Ansari (XI B)
2nd Prize: Shreya Shettigar (XI F)
Class XII
1st Prize: Iqra Qureshi (XII G)
2nd Prize: Purnima Singh (XII A)

Congratulations to all the winners and teachers who were instrumental in this big win. A big thumbs up to all the participants. Keep it up !!!