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Rules & Regulations

School Rules and Regulations
  1. The School Hand Book must be brought to school daily. It should be maintained in good condition to last for the whole year. If it is lost / misplaced, the same can be bought from the school.
  2. Parents are requested to go through the school Hand Book daily and make use of the “notes from Parents” page for any communication with the school staff.
  3. Parents are requested to sign regularly the notes, reports sent by the teachers through Hand Book, failure to do so, may put the children to great inconvenience.
  4. Parents are requested to pay attention to childrens’ uniform to be exact in colour and pattern. Students without uniform will be refused admission to class, also if the teacher’s remarks are not signed.
  5. A parent wishing to meet a teacher shall seek an appointment by writing a note in the school Hand Book on the ‘Appointments’ page stating the specific reason for such an appointment.
  6. Parents are specifically requested to notify the school office in writing of any change in their address or telephone number.
  7. All correspondence should be carried out through the school office.
  8. Parents shall ensure that the child:
    1. Comes to school regularly, punctually and is dressed neatly and correctly.
    2. Properly maintains the books, note books, work books and brings them to school as per the time table.
    3. Prepares the lessons and does the homework/assignments, regularly.
    4. Goes to bed and wakes up at proper time.
    5. Speak in English in the school premises as it is an English medium school
  9. Students and parents shall refrain from giving any gifts in cash or kind to any staff members on any occasion.
  10. Parents shall not engage any member of the school staff as tutors.
  11. Parents are not permitted to meet students or teachers during school hours, without the permission of the principal.
  12. Open Days will be held after examinations on specific dates. Parents are requested to meet the teachers on these days and discuss about the progress of their wards.
  13. Instance of serious misbehavior will be communicated to parents in writing. They are also referred to the Discipline Committee. Three such instances may lead to dismissal.
  14. Parents are expected to co-operate with school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline.
  15. Regular attendance is compulsory. A student shall be in the school premises in time. They must take their seats in their classes before the first bell. The same is to be followed after the recess.
  16. If a student remains absent from the school, he or she shall produce a note from the parent/guardian on the day he or she attends the school next, indicating the reason for his or her absence. If the absence is to be more than 3 days, the parent or the guardian shall write to the school about it in advance, absent on account of illness should be supported by a medical certificate.
  17. It is advisable not to send pupil suffering from an infectious disease to the school. A medical certificate that the pupil is free from infection should be produced when he rejoins the school after such illness.
  18. On school days and for school functions and outings students are to wear the school uniform with ID card, failing which the student will be sent home. In case of damage or loss of Identity Card, duplicate card will be issued at an additional cost.
  19. Students are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises without permission.
  20. Boys hair must not touch the collar and should be cut a little above the ear lobe. No spike cut allowed.
  21. Girls shall have a simple hair style, two plaits with black ribbons. (No other style is permissible)
  22. Students are not permitted to wear any kind of jewellery. (An ordinary watch is permitted from Standard VII onwards)
  23. Punctuality is essential. Students who come late without a valid reason shall be sent home.
  24. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not permitted.
  25. When students moving along the corridors while changing classes, they are expected to walk silently and in a single line, keeping to the left.
  26. Personal hygiene and cleanliness are expected from the students.
  27. All the students are expected to speak in English in the school premises.
  28. Any kind of damage to the school property shall be made good by the parent.
  29. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, pens, money, valuable articles or excessive cash etc.
  30. Story books, periodicals, audio and video cassettes etc should not be brought to the school.
  31. No monetary collection should be made without the permission from the Principal.
  32. A request for the issue of a duplicate copy of the birth certificate or the school report extract from the General Register shall be made by a parent in writing stating the reason for such a request and on production of valid evidence as to why such a duplicate copy is required. Such a duplicate copy or school report extract will be issued subject to a minimum of 3 days notice.
  33. Students should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behavior outside school, during school trips/ excursions etc. Any reported or observed objectionable behaviour / conduct outside school on the part of the students will make them liable for disciplinary action.
  34. Parents are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and the management reserves the right to decide the terms and conditions on which it will admit or retain students in the school.
  35. Photocopies of all documents once submitted after verification against original, become the property of the school and shall not be returnable.
  36. Student should come to school well equipped for the day’s time table. Parcels or any other articles shall not be accepted by any staff member or permitted to be delivered to the students during school hours or break time.
  37. Any student who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examination or has committed an act of serious indiscipline and / or misbehaves or who in the opinion, of the Head of the School has an unwholesome influence on his fellow students may be expelled permanently or removed from the school for a specified period by the Head of the School (Secondary School Code, Govt. of Maharashtra)
  38. Any student who is persistently indisciplined or misbehaves with his / her fellow students or with staff members, will be suspended from the school. Repeated such incidents will lead to expulsion/ dismissal from the school, without further notice.
  39. In order to equalize the number of students in each division, the students may be reshuffled in any class. The reshuffled students should attend the new division allotted as per the advice of the class teacher or Principal. No request for change of division will be entertained.
  40. Parents are requested not to fetch their children from school before class is over except in case of emergencies when permission should be obtained in writing in the hand book.
  41. Carrying / use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the school premises.
Rules for examinations and promotions
  1. Promotions once refused will under no circumstances be reconsidered and the Principal’s decision shall be final.
  2. The School will follow the Promotion Rules laid down by the Department of Education, Govt. of Maharashtra.
  3. Any student caught indulging in any form of malpractice during the examination will be prohibited from continuing to appear for the said paper and will not be allotted any marks for the same. He / She will not be allowed to attend the subsequent paper too.
Rules for Admission & Withdrawal
  1. New admissions will be made subject to the availability of vacancies. No correspondence will be entertained regarding the admission.
  2. Every application for admission shall be made in the prescribed form to the Principal in writing by the parent of the pupil, who will stand responsible for his or her conduct, application, fees and observance of the school rules as contained in this school Hand Book.
  3. Admission will be made according to the rules of Secondary School Code.
  4. Pupils, who seek admission to the school for the first time will have to produce their Birth Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. Pupils who complete three (3) years of age on the 15th of June can be admitted to Jr. KG and progressively to other classes.
  5. Every pupil, at the time of admission, will have to pay an admission fee equal to one month’s fee of the class to which he or she is found fit.
  6. Admission fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  7. Admission of pupils from unrecognized school will be subject to permission from the Department of Education.
  8. Pupils who have attended any recognised school shall not be admitted without a leaving certificate from the school last attended. If they come from a school outside Maharashtra, the leaving certificate has to be countersigned by the Education Inspector of the Division in which the school is situated.
  9. Pupils once admitted cannot be withdrawn without a month’s notice.
  10. Every application for a Leaving Certificate should be made in writing by the Parent or Guardian and not by the pupil himself/herself. When applying for Leaving Certificate, parents are requested to state their reason for withdrawing the pupil.
  11. Parents wishing to withdraw their wards at the end of the year should notify the same to the Principal on the last working day of the academic year.
  12. No fee shall be charged for issuing a Leaving Certificate, if asked for within a year from the date of leaving the school. After this period, a fee of Rs.100 will be charged.
  13. Bonafide Certificate and other Certificates will be issued only to those who leave the school after completing the S..S.C./ H.S.C Course and if their attendance and conduct are satisfactory. This must be taken within a year or else no such Certificate will be issued.
  14. Leaving certificate will not be issued unless all school dues are paid and all books and articles belonging to the school are returned.
  15. The Principal reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any pupil whose behaviour or progress in his or her opinion is unsatisfactory.